Our topic was, "What Does Your Root System Look Like" and our scripture was Genesis 2:7,8......
"And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed."
I pointed out how that the very first home that Adam had was a garden created by God. As we talked back and forth, the girls shared what they thought the garden would look like. We all agreed that it would the MOST beautiful garden ever! Of course, there were probably no weeds in Adam's garden.
Our lesson focused on the thought that just as a healthy root system determines the well-being of our gardens, so do the roots (or ways) that we are developing in our life determine how "healthy" we are as children of God. They quickly understood how important it is to weed out ugly things such as selfishness and jealousy from our hearts in order for us to have a healthy, godly heart. And I reminded them that the longer they let those ugly roots grow unchecked, the more difficult it would be to pluck them up.
At the end of our bible lesson, we all gathered around the table where I quickly talked about the information found on seed packets and explained our project. I provided the page below for them to take home in their notebooks.
At each girl's place was a 4 cup section of an egg carton.
They scooped in some special seed starter (soil) and then they selected the type of flower seeds that they would like to grow. After the seeds were planted we used a squirt bottle to gently water our tender seeds.
To dress things up a bit we used a vast array of markers and crayons to decorate the tray that we crafted from the top of the egg carton. And finally we covered the soil with plastic wrap to make a mini greenhouse.
One week later many of the girls reported that their hard work was paying off and that seedlings were sprouting! Yeah!
At the conclusion of our session all the girls' names were placed in a dish and one was selected for this month's awesome door prize. I knew I had found the perfect gift when I spied these...
They're plastic shapes of ice cream cones. The top unscrews to reveal scented blowing bubbles!
Pink = Strawberry
Brown = Chocolate
Yellow = Vanilla
Brown = Chocolate
Yellow = Vanilla
These were the best bubbles I have ever had. I bought a couple of extra cones for the girls to enjoy on the front lawn as they waited for their families to pick them up. The scents were so strong that we could actually smell the vanilla and strawberry bubbles flying around the yard!
The girls were trying to blow them so they would "POP" on me....and said I was having a "Bubble Bath!"
Well, thank you for reading about our adventures and I hope you're enjoying Spring as much as we are.
I have come to look forward to your Young Ladies Class. What creative ideas and fun way to show them all about God~
what a wonderful meeting! I want to come!!! you have such great ideas.
Oh what sweetness this is! Thanks for visiting me and your kind words.
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