Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine Virtues!

I'm really looking forward to this weekend! Our church is hosting a special Valentine Lover's Luncheon for couples and since the day it was announced I've enjoyed watching the excitement build. We're having a delicious meal including sour cream cheesecake and chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert, games and a movie especially for building your marriage.

So, in honour of the sweetheart's holiday coming up, here are a few supportive and encouraging comments that you might like to share with your husband....

"You're a blessing."

"I feel special (or safe, or happy) when I am with you."

"Because of you, my life is so good."

"I enjoy the time I spend with you."

Simple, kind words that will strengthen your marriage foundation. You might just be surprised at how he responds.

Have a happy day,


BECKY said...

How sweet Jessica! Great chutch idea, and lovely suggestions for hubby. I said a lot to my hubby tonight!! Told him he is a wonderfully warm, loving hubby, and that I tell everyone how wonderful he is. All true!!

Thank you for encouraging us to esteem our husbands highly!! God delights in that!

Joyful blessings,

BECKY said...

I meant "church" idea!! LOL!
Becky :o)

Anonymous said...

Those lines are cute Jessica,Thank you for sharing besides wish you beforehand a great joyful Valentine's Day.

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