Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Giving Thanks

Kelli at There's No Place Like Home is celebrating Thanksgiving! Here's what she says,

We are taking this week (Monday-Thursday) to prepare our hearts and homes for this wonderful time of year. My Thanksgiving project, daily cleaning challenge and poem, are located directly below this post.

I would love for you to join in the fun! Mr. Linky is available for you to sign and here are some things you could share on your blog:

-What you are thankful for
-Thanksgiving traditions or memories
-Craft Ideas
-Decorating ideas

-Your menu
-Cleaning/Organizing "before" and "after" pictures
-Anything having to do with Thanksgiving!

Everyone who participates and signs Mr. Linky will be entered into a drawing at the end of the week! Go HERE to see the prizes. Each day you participate, your name will be entered into the giveaway drawing. If you participate two days, your name will be entered twice, join us all four days for four entries, etc.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by yesterday and especially those who paused to comment.

I want to tell you today how I woke to see the Lord's handiwork in the form of a beautiful wintry landscape. All day long a light snow has been falling, which is a first for us in our region this year.

As I watched out the window for a few minutes, I was reminded how scientists tell how every flake is unique. Here's a little excerpt from Wired magazine...

By growing snow crystals in the laboratory under controlled conditions, the research team discovered that they develop differently depending on the temperature and how wet the air is.

A typical snowflake begins by forming around a speck of dust. From this unassuming beginning it grows into a tiny hexagonal prism, just a few microns in size. The initial symmetry of the snowflake results from the intrinsic molecular structure of ice.

As the crystal grows, it's often blown about in the sky. The air and temperature around the crystal are constantly changing. Snowflakes are extremely sensitive; even a small change in these conditions can lead to different growth patterns.

The final shape of the crystal reflects these growth conditions. The longer the snowflake is blown about in the skies, the more complex the resulting snow crystal.

"No two crystals have the same history so they don't grow in the same way," said Libbrecht.

And, he added, no two have ever been the same, or ever will be.

I'm so thankful for such an amazing Creator.

For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways
higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I love that, and each one is so beautiful and unique, just as we are!
God bless,
Brenda :)