Friday, August 29, 2008

Show & Tell Friday - The Artist in Me

It's time for Show & Tell Friday hosted by Kelli at There's No Place Like Home.

Last week while my mother-in-law was visiting from out of town we enjoyed an impromptu lunch at our local lunch counter at the invitation of our friend, J. She picked us up and we were off for a fun afternoon! The chit-chat between the three of us was lighthearted and friendly as we caught up on each other's summer activities.

Afterwards, while driving through a nearby neighborhood, we came upon a yardsale - which is not so common on Fridays around here. And if you're a yardsaler, you know how long it took for us to decide to put on the brakes to check out all the junk. Instantly we turned into the lot and skidded to a stop with a cloud of gravel dust behind us. "Professional Junk Seekers" was written all over us!

After half an hour of (unearthing everything) looking over all the stuff, I discovered an old wooden easel. I've been on the lookout for one since last winter when I took an oil painting class.

I decided that this little treasure would go great with the art set that my dad sent me (about 2 years ago)! Of course, I had to blow the dust away on the paint set to get it open but now that I have a really cool antique easel, I'm sure that the inspiration will start flowing.

Stay tuned next week....for an awesome art creation.

Now I'm off to a dinner date with my beloved husband to start off our wedding anniversary celebration (it's actually tomorrow but we're starting today!)



Carla said...

How perfect! Now you HAVE to paint something! I look forward to seeing! Enjoy your anniv with hubby!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your artwork.

Happy Anniversary!

Pattie said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Jessica! How many years are you celebrating?

Love the easel you found, and can’t wait to see what you create!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I can't wait to see the art work you are going to share with us next week!

Happy anniversary to you and your hubby!

jodi said...

I have never seen an easel like that.
That is very cool - a true conversation piece. I'm also drooling over your art set. You have a very sweet dad.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

I look forward to your art creation. I know what you mean about garage salers. I always feel sorry for the drivers behind me when I abruptly change lanes or stop suddenly for sales. I always thought I should have a bumper sticker that said, 'Warning! This car stops for garage sales'. Twyla

Wanita said...

Happy anniversary! Can't wait to see your artwork.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week!