Friday, December 5, 2008


Someone who loves our family and has prayed for us through the years sent an encouraging note this week. At the end was a simple quote. It was just a few words but it has had the effect of settling down in my heart and I can't seem to have a day go by when it doesn't cross my mind.

In fact, I have let it begin to shape my thoughts and dreams as I head into the Christmas holidays. I hope you will too.

"The true Christian ideal is NOT to be happy, but to be holy!
A. W. Tozer

Happy Holidays,


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

That reminds me of a quote about marriage I heard a few years ago, "Marriage is to make us holy, not happy".

We can say that about life, can't we. :)

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Amen to that sister! And once I came to turns with that years ago, I have been happier ever since!