Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Huge Surprise!

How do you like surprises?

Well, last night a young couple from our church gave us a huge surprise and here it is.....

It's actually for our church but since I'm the piano player, they brought it over to present it to us. It's an awesome instrument.

The short of the long story is that our electric piano at the church has been on the decline for some time now....a broken, hissing speaker as well as an unreliable electrical connection. Plus, when my fingers are flying on the keys, they have a tendency to hit the big drum/demo button and the music takes on a life of its own.

Just two Sundays ago my husband mentioned to the church that it was probably time to invest in a new piano and everyone wholeheartedly agreed. That day, there was some money put in the offering for the piano (but not enough yet). Another Sunday passed and a little more was donated.

Meanwhile, last week one man in the church called to ask if he could help do the research on which instrument we were interested in buying. We gave him the information and he went to work. He called back a couple of days later to say that the piano we had selected would indeed meet every need that we have for the church.

What he didn't say was that he had already put a deposit on it.

And last night he and his wife nonchalantly called and asked to stop by for a visit. I quickly whipped up some chocolate chip cookies to serve and was looking forward to having a relaxing evening with them when in they came with the two huge boxes containing the piano and bench. What a joy!

More than anything else it was a blessing to me to hear how they just wanted to be a blessing to God's people. Our hearts were warmed and thrilled at this young couple's desire to please the Lord. We are so blessed!



Girl Raised in the South said...

And I'm sure it was more of a blessing to them to help make it possible. Our pastor quotes someone who said, "nothing works as well as the local church when it's working". Amen to that!

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

How wonderful! I'm so happy for you!

Carla said...

WOW! Enjoy!

Kelli said...

What a wonderful blessing, Jessica!

Susan in SC said...

The Lord does provide in most unusual ways sometimes doesn't He? Make beautiful music on the new keyboard!!