Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I've Been Tagged - What If...?

Debi from Quilting with Debi has tagged me with the game, "What If...? If you read these and would like to play along, consider yourself tagged.

1. What If I could meet anyone in the world to chat with:
I would love to reconnect with my childhood friend, Evelina, from Italy.

2. What If I could travel anywhere in the world:
I couldn't possibly pick just one place.
Ever since I was a little girl I've loved to travel.

3. What If I could have one wish granted to benefit all of mankind:
That everyone would understand the need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

4. What If I could live in a period other than the present for just 24 hours:
The time of Moses - I would love to have witnessed the parting of the Red Sea!

5. What If I had to become an animal for 24 hours:
A hibernating bear - Sometimes a long nap just sounds really good.

6. What If I could make-over three areas of my body:
A manicure, pedicure and perfect eyebrows.

7. What If I could bring anyone back to life for 24 hours:
It would have to be Queen Esther - she demonstrated such faith and strength.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruthie said...

Hi Jessica, I love all of your answers! And I especially love the comments on southern ways on my blog! Thank you! How adorable is Heaven Lee for a name! I knew a girl whose father named her Lovely, because that was the first thing that came to his mind when he looked upon her newborn face. Ahh! Anyhoo it was sure nice of you to stop by! Oh yes, I love to see a woman with big hair, I always think "I bet she makes a delicious peach cobbler". God Bless you for being a faithful servant of the Lord.
Warm Pie, Happy Home