Come on over to Kelli's for this week's Show & Tell. Better yet, why don't you join in the fun? We'd love to have you.
After about two more hours at her house, I was still just trying to cut out the material - she very wisely suggested that maybe she could take over so that I might be home before midnight! She was a very patient instructor but I was very painfully slow! I went home with a beautiful apron - made by Sandy.
So I hope you enjoyed my Show & Tell today and ask that you might say a special prayer of courage for Lily. And as always, please leave me a comment to let me know you were here.
This week I was doing a project that took me back in time - about 21 years. I was very young, newly married and my precious husband had just bought me a brand new sewing machine.
At that time the thought of sewing reminded me of my junior high class of home economics. One teacher, 20 girls, 5 machines! I can still picture the blousy type garment I made - I think it was the fact that I didn't sew the sleeves just right and they ended up looking like the wings of the biggest falcon you ever saw! Hideous...it was another remant for the goodwill pile.
One of my very first patterns that I ever bought after I was given that new machine was for a basic apron. How hard could it be? Well, my project began with several phone calls to my sister in law, Sandy. Finally, after trying to get her to interpret the pattern instructions over the telephone, she invited me over so that she could be more help. So I lugged all my stuff to her house and set up shop on her dining room table.
After about two more hours at her house, I was still just trying to cut out the material - she very wisely suggested that maybe she could take over so that I might be home before midnight! She was a very patient instructor but I was very painfully slow! I went home with a beautiful apron - made by Sandy.
Little did she know that those hours of instruction and patience would be borne out over the years and time after time my sewing projects improved more and more.
So, to make a long story short, this week I am putting together a gift box for my friend who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has already had her first major surgery and will be starting chemo treatments in early February.
In her box I put a brand new fully lined apron which I made (in less than two hours!), a journal book and a small collection of personal note cards. I'll be slipping in a few chocolate delights as well.
This is the first apron that I have made fully lined and I just love it. I promised myself that all the ones I make for me in the future will be this way. Here are a few shots of the apron:
And here are the journal and note cards with the apron.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful apron. What a thoughtful gift. Please pass on to your friend, Lily that I have prayed for her.
What a sweet gift you made for Lily, I'm sure she will love it! I'm praying for her too. My husband went through chemo and radiatin last year. Prayer works.
Thanks for sharing.
What a pretty apron. You did excellent work! Thanks for sharing!
:0) Sharon
How cute and what a thoughtful gift! I wish I knew how to sew. I am determined to learn... someday. lol
You bring back memories to me...I didn't take home ec but I watched my Mother sew as a young child....I had some failures but like you improved greatly through the years....
Such a thoughtful gift for Lily...yes, I will add her to my prayer list....Betty
A lined apron....wow. That musta taken a lot of patience to make. And Lily will have my thoughts!!!
My show n tell is posted. Drop in for a visit if you can find time, I love visitors. :o)
What a beautiful show and tell! Your story also reminded me of my first attempts at sewing and home ec class!
My prayers are with your friend Lily, she is blessd to have you there for her.
Hi there!
I'm so glad you enjoyed my blog and thanks for leaving a comment! I enjoyed browsing and reading yours as well. What part of Canada are you living in? Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless,
Very pretty apron. I love the fabric pattern.
What a thoughtful gesture for your friend.
The apron is just beautiful. My first Home Ec project was making a pair of elastic waist pants. Mine turned out too short with one leg longer than the other! Needless to say, I never wore them!
That is so sweet Jessica. It's wonderful that you continue to enjoy your sewing machine. I'm praying for Lily right now...
Of course, I say a special prayer to your friend Lily tonight! May she get well very very soon!
Congratulations on the apron! I am happy to read that you enjoy sewing, too! Did you already see my today's S&T? It's a sewing project, too!
Best wishes from Germany,
Praying for Lily...and love the apron..what a wonderful friend you are...
Lovely and so sweet of you to be sending it to this special person.
What a sweet gift for your friend. Just said a prayer for her.
Jessica, your post makes me smile. I have my own long distance sewing student. She lives 4 hours away! And, her name is Jessica. I so enjoyed your story and the apron is lovely. I am sure it will encourage your friend. Thank you for sharing this lovely story. It did make me smile. Blessings,Sherry
What a lovely gift for your friend! Your story made me laugh. Glad you stuck with it. :)
Bless your heart!! It is beautiful!!! You are such a good friend too---your story was touching.
Good job, the apron looks great! I love to see people sewing. I just taught a friend to sew last year and she is having a wonderful time. You friend is blessed to have such a good friend like you.
My prayers are with her.
Dear Jessica,
What a very thoughtful gift for Lily. I will say prayers for her.
Thank you for sharing.
I like your apron and think you did a beautiful job. It looks very well made, and the fabric is very pretty.
How sweet of you to brighten your friends day with such lovely gifts :-)Handmade is always so special!
Thanks for sharing. Your friend will be encouraged, I'm sure.
Jessica, I came back after reading a comment of yours about the ministers to the logging men. If you find it, let me know.
Thats nice apron and thanks for sharing to us. Happy weekend.
What a sweet friend you are! You did a wonderful job on the apron it's so pretty and I know Lily will love it! I will say a prayer for her.
That is a beautiful apron. I have two aprons that are new but look like the old campbells soup girl.
I stopped by to let you also know that I moved from Jasmines Journey onto my own domain with wordpress. You can visit me there.
~ Jasmine
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